Cedar Springs High School follows the Michigan Merit Curriculum Graduation Requirements. Our curriculum guide at Cedar Springs High Schools offers a wide variety of courses available to students to reach these graduation requirements.
Our curriculum also has additional electives and programs available to students who wish to excel in advance placement and college courses while attending CSHS.
We are here to help each student succeed to the best of their availability.
High School Curriculum Guide
The state of Michigan requires a minimum of 18 credits to graduate from high school, under what is known as the Michigan Merit Curriculum. These credits include English language arts, math, science, social studies, physical education, arts, and foreign languages.
View the Cedar Springs High School Curriculum Guide to see all the courses available and plan your 4-year education with our district.
23-24 High School Curriculum Guide
Request for Personal Curriculum
This request is to be completed by parent(s), guardians(s), and/or an adult student. This form needs to be submitted to the Personal Curriculum Committee for consideration of a personal curriculum (PC). Following the receipt of this request, if the student is eligible for a PC, the counselor or designee will schedule a meeting to continue with the PC Process. Please be sure that the student's career information/educational development plan (EDP) is correct in Naviance.
Request for Personal Curriculum
Request for Personal Curriculum for Students with an Individualized Education Program