- Dual Enrollment Request
- Independent Study Request
- Online Course Request
- P.E. Waiver
- Test Out Application
- Work-Based Learning Interest Survey
- World Language Waiver (waive second year of world language)
- Yearbook Application
Dual Enrollment Request
Independent Study Request
Online Course Request
P.E. Waiver
Test Out Application
Work-Based Learning Interest Survey
World Language Waiver (waive second year of world language)
Yearbook Application
College Credit
Advanced Placement (AP)
High School students can enroll in college-level curricula and examinations. Colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit based on final grades.
Dual Enrollment
High School students can take college courses while in high school. Course count for both high school and college credit.
Early Middle College (EMC)
EMC is designed to allow a student to earn a high school diploma and one of the following;
- 60 transferable college credits
- Associate degree, a professional certification
- Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA) technical certificate
- Participation in a registered apprenticeship.
Kent Career Tech Center (KCTC)
The Tech Center students do amazing things every day. From running a restaurant/bakery, operating jet engines and flying simulators, designing and building computer networks, to using medical equipment and performing tests on actual patients, our students do it all.